Alex believes...
that you are meant to be strong and capable in your mind and body as the foundation for how you show up energetically in your life and unapologetically take up space in the world.

About Alex...
Alex is a certified strength and nutrition coach who helps her clients get strong, lean, and energized through kettlebells and fueling nutrition.
A graduate of NYU Tisch School of the Arts, Alex pivoted immediately upon graduating from belting out showtunes on NewYork stages to pedaling on a podium as a spin instructor.
She quickly caught the bug for fitness, and gained experience as a coach in all areas of the industry. From teaching strength and HIIT classes at NYSC Lab, personal training at Equinox, streaming her workouts internationally through ClassPassLive, and interning for a celebrity trainer Don Saladino, Alex has used her years of experience to craft her unique and effective coaching method.
Through her signature 12 week course Fit Foundations, and her group fitness membership The A Team, Alex uses her one of a kind approach to get her clients the best results out there.
Notable Certifications:
SFG I (Strong First Kettlebell Coach)
CFSC (Certified Functional Strength Coach)
PN I (Precision Nutrition Certified Coach)
NCSF CPT (National Council of Sports and Fitness Personal Trainer)
FMS (Functional Movement Screen)